December 16, 2020
News flash: you do not need to be of African decent to enjoy and respect the traditions of Kwanzaa!
Why should we celebrate?
According to Cosmopolitan writer Annabel Iwegbue,”‘There has to be some kind of moment of introspection, thinking about our ancestors and the descendants of enslaved African people globally,’ Hunter says (cofounder of New York’s Kwanzaa Fest BK). I think the most important thing about Kwanzaa is contemplation.”
Even if you don’t have any African blood, you can still appreciate the legacy of fallen heroes and black historians.

Invite family and friends to join and reflect about these serious people and events. And on the flip side, Kwanzaa can still be fun and games.
“Drumming, dance and communal meals and drinks… During the holiday, celebrants often greet others with ‘Habari gani?’ or ‘Whas the news?’ Celebrants then answer with the day’s principle. Typically, gifts are given only to children during this time.” Parents writer Ashley Phillips said.
Thanks to Maulana Karenga, (founder of Kwanzaa in 1966) we can take from December 26 to January first to honor African heritage.
“Maulana Karenga, a professor and activist, founded Kwanzaa in 1966. Karenga created the holiday to celebrate and strengthen the bonds that African Americans have with their counterparts in Africa. The founder also connects the celebration of the holiday to the fight for social justice.” Phillips tells readers.
So, in order to start cherishing this holiday, collect seven candles (green, red, and black) for your candle holder and share stories and gifts that continue the lineage.
Although Kwanzaa is a often an ignored holiday, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t celebrate. It’s important to have respect for minorities that have been persecuted for centuries.