October 4, 2020

So you’ve decided that the craft may be something you’re interested in, but what does that mean? Where do you start? What sources do you trust? These are all questions every witch/castor has asked themselves, and eventually had to answer. But first, let’s walk through some definitions and differences.


There are religions surrounding witchcraft. The community’s two major religions are Paganism and Wicca. Pagans usually believe in the divine character of the natural world and find spirituality within the Earth. There are many different paths within the Pagan religion and they usually have their own set of belief systems.


Wicca is a modern form of Paganism, with a different set of ideals and rituals. Wiccans commonly believe and practice according to the Threefold Law, which states that the witch gets back whatever she/he puts out, times three. It is essentially extreme karma. Think of it this way: Paganism is like Christianity and Wicca is like Catholicism, minus Jesus.


However, not every witch is Wiccan or Pagan. Some witches just practice without the attachment of religion. What keeps us connected is of course, practicing witchcraft, but also our paths.


A path can be anything and there are hundreds of them. Here are a few common examples:

  • The Green Witch- practicing with plants/nature
  • The Kitchen Witch- practicing with food/cooking
  • The Ancestral Witch- practicing with family members of the past
  • The Astrology Witch- practicing with/according to astral signs 
  • The Crystal Witch- practicing with different rocks/crystals
  • The Eclectic Witch- incorporating many different types of paths into their path
  • The Solitary Witch- Prefers to practice on their own, as opposed to joining a coven


And seriously… It could go on forever.


Personally, I am Wiccan but I also consider my path to be eclectically green, with a touch of kitchen magick. Still confused? Well, in further articles of Witchy Wednesday, I will go more in depth on different types of magick and paths. 


If you have any witchy requests, please direct message The SIREN on Instagram: @siren_lppacs.

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About the Writer
Ceresa Morsaint is a writer based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and is the Director of Social Media for the SIREN. She studies American Sign Language, and her articles revolve around witchcraft and environmental tips/updates. In her spare time, she enjoys baking and reading Frank McCourt novels with her cat, Burt.

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