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As I promised last time, today, I’ll be talking about first-person shooters.
One of the world’s most famous first-person shooters is Call of Duty. This classic first came out in 2003 and has 21 main title releases. (That doesn’t include the remakes, by the way.)
Call of Duty can be…interesting. The gameplay isn’t horrible, but most of the players are. There are a variety of different slurs that they’ll call you and some very questionable things that they say they’re going to do to your mother. Honesty, CoD players happen to be more toxic than any other fandom.
But you don’t have to play the online modes, because more often than not there’s a campaign mode. I, personally, enjoy campaign modes more than online play. Maybe it’s because people are scary, maybe it’s because the characters are cool. We’ll never know. They also produce some pretty good memes.
I’ve only played the campaigns for three of the games. Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, Call of Duty: World War II, and Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. I loved all of them. The story lines were engaging and had fun characters to play. Ten out of ten for all of them. Well, maybe not for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. The ending hurt my soul just a little bit. Maybe more than a little bit. More like a lot.
There’s also a mode called Zombies. Basically, you get a group of people together and try to fight off waves of zombies. Easy, right? Wrong. The zombies get more and more powerful and get faster as the waves go on. I mean, they were already fast, but still.
Enough Call of Duty. Let’s move on to Overwatch 2.
Oh, Overwatch 2, how I love you so. You beautifully horrible jewel of a game.
If you can’t tell, I’m a big Overwatch 2 fan. My friends tried to get me to play it when it was just Overwatch, but I never really got into it until Overwatch 2.
In Overwatch 2, you have so many different character choices that allow you to play however you want. The three different roles (tank, damage, and support) will end up dictating how you play. Tank, as you can probably guess, is the one who tanks most of the damage. Your large amount of HP (Health Points) gives you leeway to be a little more on the adventurous side and try and push things forward. Just try not to be too adventurous.
Damage, on the other hand, mostly focuses on doing as much damage to the enemy team as possible. This role also happens to have the most characters, so you have a bunch of different options. And then there’s support. The one role that everyone hates playing. Except me, a dedicated Moira main. Now, the joke I’m about to make is one that I won’t explain because I want this to be an inside joke for me and all of the other Overwatch 2 players. Even though I’m a Moira main, I’m not a DPS Moira.
Most of the time you’ll run into teammates that will call you so many things that I can’t repeat if I want to go somewhere good after I die. But sometimes you’ll get those teammates that are so nice and humor your idiocy. Those are my favorite kinds of players because they make the game fun. Sometimes it’s just before the match where they’ll put down these sprays that you can equip if you complete certain character specific achievements.

Overwatch 2 manages to be really good and really bad at the same time. It’s really good because the lore is amazing and such a good idea, but it’s really bad because the developers just keep making the game bad. They keep changing characters, making some overpowered and some so weak that playing them will absolutely throw* the game. Not to mention that they can’t keep any sort of consistency when it comes to the lore. They’ll release things that totally mess up whatever they already established.
In light of all of that, though, I do have another positive. The lore videos that they release on their Youtube channel are so well done. The animation is beautiful, and the voice acting is on point. Honestly, I’ve gotten emotional while watching some of these, and I’m the most emotionless person you’ll ever meet.
But sometimes the developers do something right. For example, the April Fools event that happened last year. I can’t express how much I loved this event. Normally events in Overwatch 2 consist of completing challenges for voice lines, character skins, or battle pass XP. But, with this event, we got so much more. There was a new game mode that changed what all of the characters did. It mostly scuffed already added abilities, but it also made them so much funnier. For example, Reinhardt could fly whenever the player used his charge ability.
There were also brand-new voice lines for whenever a character used their ultimate. A lot of them were references to past memes. For example, when a Sigma on the other team used his ultimate, you could hear him say, “What are those!”
All of the characters also had… well… I’ll let you see for yourself.

I highly suggest watching any YouTube video on the event because they can show what I can’t tell.
I’d keep talking, but if I do, I’ll write so much I’ll break the website. So, I’m going to cut myself off here.
Thanks for logging on, but now I’ve got to log off.
Next time I’ll be talking about horror games.
*To throw a game means to play in a way that will confirm a loss of that round
If you want me to cover a certain game, feel free to email me at [email protected]