October 22, 2020

Oftentimes, talk about self love and acceptance is spoken over by an unfair standard. 


However, it’s never too late to put your best interest first and begin your self love journey. 


As someone who is currently on that journey, I’d like to clarify a few things first.


Disclaimer: In no way am I claiming to be an expert or professional in this area, and this advice is not a one-size-fits-all kind of deal. I am simply relaying advice based on my personal experience. 


To start: self love begins with who you are now and where you are now. 


I know it may be hard to break from the mindset that if you just looked or acted a certain way, you’d be happier, but that way of thinking more often than not is only going to lead to disappointment. 


If you don’t start at least trying to love yourself and the things you view as “flaws” right where you are, then you can’t expect to be happy when you go down a few sizes or change that behavior you thought was annoying. 


While it can be a powerful motivation, wanting to change solely out of spite and resentment for oneself is not as beneficial and certainly not healthy as compared to wanting better for yourself out of love and understanding. It’s a harsh truth, but it’s a truth nonetheless.


Another thing is: You don’t have to fit societal standards to be happy. It may seem obvious, but it’s something a lot of people have trouble coming to terms with.


The things that you’ve been conditioned to believe are “beautiful” or “normal” does not mean that if you lack them you should be ashamed. 


Simply put, the things you may view as “flaws” now are things that at one point you need to embrace and become comfortable with.


Self love and acceptance also doesn’t come as easily to some as it will to others. It could very well be a long and grueling process, and that’s okay. 


Also: There is nothing wrong with enlisting help from other people or asking for reassurance, especially if it’s from a professional. 


Some ways of thinking are harder to reverse on your own, so it may be in your best interest to reach out for help. In fact, I strongly encourage it considering this is something you don’t have to endure alone. 


Overall, self love isn’t as cut and dry as some may make it out to be.


In the end, it’s really all up to you, and I encourage that you keep your best interest in mind. 


With that said: good luck, and I totally believe in you!

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About the Writer
Grace Anderson is a Senior Writing and Publishing major and the Editor in Chief of The SIREN. She loves minions.

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