It’s rare to see a fan favorite horror video game turned into a movie. However, some think that may be for the best. It’s no surprise that adaptations can go horribly wrong, but sometimes, fans do get a new well-made piece of media.
Five Nights at Freddy’s:
Five Nights at Freddy’s is a well-known horror game that’s been around for over ten years. The fandom continues to grow, and the movie version was a success. It broke box office records, earning millions of dollars globally. There are some mixed opinions about it, like all things, but most fans enjoyed it. Some find the movie poorly put together and incomplete, and others believe it to be a good horror setup. It’s believed to have stayed true to the lore but proved to be difficult to condense it all into one movie. Overall, it didn’t do too bad, and there will likely be a sequel.
Resident Evil:
There are 12 Resident Evil movies in total, including seven live-action and five CGI releases. The series has grossed over a billion dollars, and is one of the highest-grossing video game live-action franchises. Some fans were upset that the action seemed to overshadow the horror elements, but if action is your thing, it’s a recommended watch. It’s definitely a series that’s easier to find bad reviews for, though. It’s deemed as too fast-paced and flat by fans of the video game. Nonetheless, it’s reported that director Zach Cregger has confirmed that a new Resident Evil movie is in the works.
Silent Hill:
There are currently two Silent Hill movies, and a third movie has been confirmed. The first movie was definitely not as popular as the Resident Evil movies. It wasn’t exactly a hit and garnered many negative reviews. People weren’t fans of the pacing, acting, and the usage of CGI. Over time, it caught up a bit to Resident Evil in popularity. Additionally, upon watching them years later, viewers have reacted more positively.
There are plenty more horror video games out there that have been adapted into movies. I chose the three that I’m most familiar with, but if there are any others I should write about, let me know!