Did you know that The Exorcist is still voted the scariest horror movie since its debut 50 years ago? The movie came out in 1973 and was an instant hit.
Every horror fan knows about the cult-classic, The Exorcist. Whether it be the film, book, or both versions, you’ve probably seen/heard about it. To briefly summarize the movie, a young girl is believed to be possessed by a demon, and a local priest requests that an expert help him to perform an exorcism to try to save her.
The Exorcist was unsurprisingly scary for its time, especially for religious people. Its contents weren’t mainstream in the 70s. It wasn’t common for movies to contain blasphemy, profanity, or the sexualization of children. The special effects and the deep voice coming from a character that’s clearly a little girl were unsettling. Everything seemed realistic, and it terrified people that the premise of the movie could actually happen in real life. It was alarming to see a child used to depict a demonic possession.
More families were active church participants in the 70s, so it was scarier to see religious themes in a dark light. The religious angle angered many people as well. To some, the movie glorified demonic possessions and evil forces. It sparked discussions of good versus evil among its viewers. However, the director of the film, William Friedkin, claims that the movie wasn’t meant to be a horror movie; it’s about faith.
It’s understandable that it would be the scariest movie for the 1970s, but in 2025, the contents aren’t identified by viewers as taboo. The film has definitely influenced many other great movies and books, but it doesn’t push the same boundaries that it did back then. However, its religious narrative and it being a classic continues to garner people’s votes. Overall, people are still disturbed and that will probably never go away.
Personally, I wouldn’t even rank it in the top 100 scariest movies. Maybe if I lived in the 1970s and saw it then, but many horror movies have come out over the years that are far more terrifying. It’s a great movie, and people are always drawn to the classics, so it’s not surprising it stays number one or at least in the top three for many. I also understand how the movie could be scary for parents with children. Even so, you won’t catch me dead saying The Exorcist is the scariest horror movie ever made.