Even for me, someone who writes about fashion and wants to work in the fashion industry when I’m older, there are always those days where it seems like there is nothing to wear.
I sit staring into my closet looking at everything I have, but nothing seems to stand out. Nothing looks good. Maybe it’s because I don’t like repeating outfits, or maybe I actually don’t have anything to wear, which isn’t true, but I figured out it is none of those reasons. Most often, it’s from a lack of inspiration.
Most outfits I decide to wear, I like to keep original, but at times, it doesn’t hurt to find inspiration and put your own little twist to it. Today, I’m going to talk about a few places I go when I need some inspiration.
My go-to place when looking for inspiration is Pinterest. Pinterest has tons of ideas to help and it’s also the quickest way you can come up with new outfit ideas. You can always find an outfit that you have almost every item of. I have a dedicated board on Pinterest full of ideas, so I can always go to it when I need to get a quick inspiration.
Another place I like to check for inspiration is on my favorite vloggers’ channels. A quick TikTok or YouTube search never fails to help me find something I will like. There are many people out there that have dedicated channels and accounts to fashion and style, so at least one of them out there has to help. I definitely have one or two go-to accounts I love to check on.
If you’re ever out and about, you can always find new outfits without buying them. I don’t always like spending money on new clothes, so just walking around stores and shops can help me find a whole new style. Taking pictures of things you like can always help you find a similar outfit in your closet.
At times, you can even find inspiration from the employees or just people passing by. Every person has their own style, and you can learn a lot about someone by how they dress. If you’re an observant person, this is a great option. Just don’t try going around taking pictures of people.
I won’t lie. There are those few times when I’m watching a show and one character’s style and outfit just stand out to me. Next thing I know, I’m going through my closet and end up wearing something based on them. This can also be used for people who like to cosplay and want to wear something to school, but not go all out. I’ve definitely done this once or twice.
When you watch your favorite movie, or show, just pay attention to how they style their hair, wear their makeup, and layer their clothes. You’ll be surprised with how common someone’s wardrobe is to yours. Fashion changes depending on the era of the movie and even the genre, so my favorite may not match your’s, but these are a few shows I’ve looked at/would look at for inspiration:
- The Devil Wears Prada
- Clueless
- The Craft
- Freaky Friday
- Mean Girls
- Annie Hall
You can find inspiration anywhere you look. These were a few of my personal favorite places to go, but there are plenty of other options out there.
Leave a comment down below with the place you like to go for when you need fashion inspiration, or let me know what you want to see from Pin it in the future.