October 4, 2020

Periods of demotivation can be experienced at different times and on different levels; however, during this time it isn’t unheard of for a person’s hygiene to suffer. 


While a lack of personal drive can be hard to get out of, there are easier ways to keep your hygiene in check and make this time more bearable. 


For instance, if it’s hard bringing yourself to brush your teeth, a quick alternative could be to use mouthwash. It isn’t an exact parallel, but it’s better than nothing at all.


The need to take care of your hair can become really irritating and stressful, too. Dry shampoo and leave-in conditioner can serve as ways to focus your worry off of your hair and on to your mental health. If you find that, in terms of unmotivation, you feel a little better, there’s nothing wrong with washing your hair in the sink, too! 


Maybe your hair has even gotten to the point where it’s matted and hard to brush out. That’s alright, if you find yourself with time on your hands you can always use a deep conditioner to make the brushing a bit easier. 


Unpleasant odors can also be an aggressor, especially if showering and keeping your room clean becomes more of a chore than usual. While there are quite a few alternatives, letting yourself “air out” for a bit by opening a window requires the least effort and is great if you’re sensitive to strong perfumes or smells. 


Other alternatives would be to buy scented things to mask the odor: candles, essential oils, febreeze, perfume, etc.  And if you’re concerned about body odor, a little deodorant every eight hours or so should keep you smelling alright. 


If you’re finding it harder and harder to get out of bed in the morning, chances are you aren’t going to want to wash your face. Cleansing facial wipes (you can find them in the makeup removal section) can serve as a quick fix to your dilemma. 


Obviously, not everyone is going to experience demotivation as intensely as others as it is often associated with mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety. That said, you can still experience demotivation and not have a mental illness.


Your experience could only be as far as neglecting some assignments, so you might not understand why some people fall behind on self care. However, that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t happen. 


These tips are not fix-alls for personal care; they’re simply easier alternatives than tackling a long list of daunting daily self care that can stress out someone who’s already way behind on other tasks. 


In a circumstance such as demotivation, a little help can go a long way, especially when concerning personal hygiene. I hope you keep these in mind the next time daily life feels a little too overwhelming.

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About the Writer
Grace Anderson is a Senior Writing and Publishing major and the Editor in Chief of The SIREN. She loves minions.

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