What’s up operators!
Today’s hot topic is about the new Call of Duty: Black Ops game that came out recently. Somewhat recently, I guess.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 released on October 25, 2024 (man I am really late. Oops). It’s description on Steam reads as follows:
“Call of Duty®: Black Ops 6 is signature Black Ops across a cinematic single-player Campaign, a best-in-class Multiplayer experience and with the epic return of Round-Based Zombies.”
Do I agree with all of this? No, not really. But we’ll get into that later. Probably.
You can get the game for $69.99 on pretty much every gaming platform, as well as get it for free if you have the Xbox Game Pass, and that’s only for the regular edition. You can spend $99.99 on it for the vault edition, which really only gives you some extra skins. A total rip off, if you ask me. But I have the Xbox Game Pass, so I haven’t wasted a cent.
Now, my only real experience with Black Ops is Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 zombies (and the campaign for Cold War, I guess). I played zombies all the time with my brothers and my dad. The zombie screams are engraved in my brain still.
I have also played the campaigns for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and 3, as well as Black Ops Cold War (I miss you everyday Bell. Please come home, I know you’re not really dead) and Call of Duty: World War II.
The first thing I did when I heard there was a new Call of Duty game coming out was look up whether or not there was going to be a campaign. I am a sucker for a good story game, and after the disappointment that MW3 was, I really needed something good.
Thankfully, BO6 definitely delivered on that.
I didn’t go into the campaign with very much hope, so imagine my surprise when I’m met with one of the best campaigns that I’ve probably ever played across any game series.
The first mission throws you right into the action, and it barely lets up after that. You get reacquainted with some characters that you’ve met in other Black Ops campaigns as well as meet some new ones.
Every character is unique and has something to like, or dislike, about them. Which can be pretty hard whenever you have so many to write for.
There are puzzles in the safe house that you stay in, which reveal some lore and give you an opportunity to get some extra cash for upgrades that help you out later.
And the gameplay. Oh, the gameplay. It’s not just a FPS with a story. There’re stealth missions and even horror missions. I cannot express how much I love those missions where you had to fight zombies in the campaign. It sounds weird, I know, but it’ll make sense when you watch/play the campaign for yourself.
Speaking of zombies…
In my personal opinion, the zombies mode for Black Ops 6 is lackluster at best.
It’s fun, sure, whenever you know what you’re doing. But it’s hard to know what you’re doing whenever you can barely hear the voice trying to guide you over the screaming of the zombies.
I don’t really have much to say about the gameplay itself, seeing as I barely ever play it. I only ever play it whenever I’m forced to.
One bone that I do have to pick with the game is its use of AI. Some genius thought that it would be a good idea to use AI not only for some of the name cards, but to REPLACE VOICE ACTORS.
I cannot stress how disgusted I was when I learned that. Not only does that put people out of jobs, but it just makes the game suck. They removed the S.A.M. voice actor and replaced her with some AI generated garbage, which doesn’t even sound like the original.
I’m going to stop that rant there because I’ll go on for hours about how gross and bad AI is for gaming (as well as many other things), and nobody wants to hear or read that.
Aren’t I so kind?
The only thing left to talk about is the multiplayer mode, but I will not touch that with a six-foot pole. Let’s just say that people are not joking when they say that the CoD lobbies are wild.
So, all in all, Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is kind of trash and definitely not worth 70 dollars. I’d say to watch the campaign on YouTube and call it a day.
Thanks for logging on, but now I’ve got to log off. Bye!
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