We all know big gaming companies, right? You know, the people that own pretty much every game that you’ve heard of in some way or another.
We all also know that they’re kind of trash now, right?
If not, well…that’s what I’m here for!
Let’s start out with a company that I have the most beef with. Blizzard Entertainment. Boy oh boy, do I have a bone to pick with them.
Blizzard is probably one of the most trash companies I’ve ever seen. Literally ever.
One of the games of theirs that I used to play all the time is Overwatch 2. You can ask anyone who knew me, I was obsessed. Key word being was. Now I can barely sit through one match without wanting to throw my controller across the room.
One of the many reasons that Blizzard sucks so much isn’t because they don’t know how to keep a game alive, but because their management is horrible. In early 2024, there were many layoffs in departments that were important to Overwatch 2’s development.
So much of the story suffered because of these layoffs. The PVE (Player vs. Environment) mode was canceled after only three missions were put out (which you had to pay 15 dollars for, mind you).

The whole reason that Overwatch 1 got shut down was so that the PVE could be put out in Overwatch 2. So now that the PVE has been canceled, there’s literally no reason for Overwatch 2 to have been made. Other than the input of battle passes, much like the ones in Fortnite, that cost at least $10 each.
With the Overwatch 2 battle passes, there are free things that you can get. But the majority of the battle pass is considered “premium,” and honestly kind of sucks. You can also pay $40 for the ultimate battle pass, which gives you a few extra skins and some coins that you can use in the shop. The skins almost always suck, by the way. Definitely not worth 40 bucks.
Not to mention the fact that everything in the shop is $20. They took out loot boxes (randomized boxes that you could get for playing for certain amounts of time, which contained free cosmetic items), so there’s really no way to get items that are actually good without having to pay a whole bunch of money.
Oh, and the developers can’t keep their already established lore straight. They keep adding younger and younger characters that make no sense in the established lore. But they’re never under 18, oh no. Heaven forbid the characters don’t fit the fan service that Blizzard keeps trying to push out to make people still like the company. (It’s not working, by the way. I haven’t heard one positive thing about them in so long.)
All in all, Blizzard kind of sucks right now. At least from the Overwatch 2 standpoint of things.
Now, onto the next company I have beef with.
Behavior Interactive. The creators of Dead by Daylight, a one vs. four horror game. Don’t get me wrong: I love DBD. But I do not love Behavior.
My main reason for the hate right now is because of an announcement that was made recently. Behavior announced a new game that they were going to be making called Project T. The basic idea is that it’s a story game set in the Dead by Daylight universe.
DBD, while being a bit of a repetitive game, has some of the best game lore that I’ve ever read. It all fits together nicely, and it’s actually interesting. Project T would be a perfect opportunity for the company to delve further into this goldmine and make a whole bunch of money. And you know what they did with it?
They canceled it. Right after they let people play test it.
Which is just so annoying, because from what I’ve heard the play testing was gorgeous. It was smooth (except for a couple bugs, but that’s to be expected from a test) and interesting.
In my opinion, Behavior got lucky with Dead by Daylight basically being a gold mine for them to loot. Any other project they try to develop tends to either fall apart really fast or gets cancelled before release.
Anyway, that’s all. I’m done complaining. For now.
Thanks for logging on, but now I’ve gotta log off.
Have a game that you’d like to see me cover? Comment down below or email me at [email protected]