June 9, 2023
There will be no spoilers in this review. Trust me, it’s difficult to not geek out all over this web page, but I am not going to ruin it for the poor souls who have not watched this impressive movie first.
I am going to talk about it as much as possible, starting off with the graphics. Imagine the firstĀ Spider-Verse. Now take those revolutionary visuals and crank it up to 100. The animators have certainly been at work since 2018, because every single split-second of this movie is so well done and really gives it even more of a comic book feel.
I personally really liked the callbacks to other multiverses and the previous movie here. (I can say it because it’s in the ads.) It really tied the movie together well and made it all the more enjoyable and it felt like an inside joke.
The character design for specific characters is so spectacular. Most of the characters are in the same styles as Miles Morales is, but there’s a real showing of talent through side characters, such as Pter Ptarker, who is the T-Rex.
I love the focus on Mile’s family and community in the first part of the film. I loved his parents in the first movie, but in this one, they are transcendent. I am in love. They’re quippy like a Spider-Man and yet they care so much for Miles, it’s sometimes overwhelming.
This movie is art. I’m buying the DVD and Blu-Ray because art deserves to be immortalized and shared with future generations.
Spider-VerseĀ 3 comes out in March of 2024 to round out the trilogy.