May 19, 2023
I am proud to announce, an Illumination movie without bathroom humor! Despite it being about plumbers! I am so happy. And the fact that we’re transitioning into an era where video games make good movies, is awesome. This movie still has nothing on the original Mario movie.
Now, as someone who was raised on Nintendo, this movie was just so perfect for me. I may not share the same experiences as another watcher, but hey, to seven-year-old me who obsessively played Mario-Kart Wii and Super Mario Brothers Wii, this was golden.
The plot was a little rushed, but it is a kids movie and kids movies usually go like that, especially Illumination movies. That’s pretty much the only issue I could fathom coming from this movie. It was funny and stayed true to what was built into the fandom at the beginning.
There’s one thing that was changed from the original video games, which is Mario (Chris Pratt) is determined to save his little brother, who he affectionately calls “Lu”. Luigi’s (Charlie Day) story is pretty close to what happens in his games, and it makes sense for Mario to save his brother because he literally doesn’t know Peach (Anya Taylor-Joy), however, he does know Luigi. Bowser (Jack Black) being a hopeless romantic also was a sweet touch and felt closer to the newer Mario Games, such as Odyssey.
All in all, this movie was awesome. My brother and I had so much fun watching this movie, and we laughed the whole time. It’s a good watch, and I strongly implore you to go see it in theaters or on a streaming service when it passes through. Spend money on this movie; you won’t regret it.