The tour dates poster shared by Big Thief. (Courtesy of Big Thief)
The tour dates poster shared by Big Thief.

Courtesy of Big Thief



March 8, 2023

Big Thief writes songs to make listeners cry, scream, and dance. I noticed all of these reactions in the audience of their sold-out Stage AE show on Feb. 5. It was clear as the first chord rang out that Big Thief was determined to steal the hearts of their listeners. 


Buck Meek, one of the founding members of Big Thief, opened the show with an intimate solo set on acoustic guitar. His voice, unique in character and texture, quieted the cramped room instantly. He commented throughout his set that he was worried he was yodeling too much, to which the crowd cheered for more. With songs told in vibrant detail, he conveyed emotions of love and loss. 


Set to release his third studio album this summer, Buck Meek left the stage with the promise that he’d be back in a minute when he would join the rest of the band. 


Moments later, Big Thief took to the stage with energy and excitement. Lead singer Adrianne Lenker’s voice was even more powerful in person, as she wailed the eccentric lyrics of songs new and old. 


Big Thief showed off their versatility by playing mellower folk songs before soloing in their heavier rock jams. In a few songs, Lenker screamed the lyrics with frantic emotion, prompting audience members to jump and dance wildly. Buck Meek shredded on guitar, showing a side of his musicianship completely different from his solo set. 


They played all of my personal favorite songs, which in my opinion sounded even better live than on the record. Also, the band teased a song that will hopefully be released soon, as it’s been stuck in my head since I heard the chorus for the first time. 


The show closed with an encore of “Spud Infinity” and the crowd was encouraged to sing along. Lenker also invited her younger brother to the stage, who played the jaw harp. The silly instrument made us all giggle, as we were singing and dancing along to the final song of the night.

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About the Contributor
Gabriella Salvucci is a senior music major at Lincoln Park who writes the In Queue Music Review column. This is her first year writing for The Siren. She enjoys writing songs, playing gigs, and reading.

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