February 16, 2022

Letter from a Stranger is a new biweekly column in The SIREN that gives people the chance to tell their stories. Some of them are inspiring; some of them are heartbreaking. Each “letter” is a chance for SIREN readers to learn more about the struggles, triumphs, and perspectives of people they know nothing about–but who live right here in our community.


Seniors will be graduating in about four months! I spoke to two different seniors who have varying feelings on flex days at Lincoln Park and school days of their last year they have missed because of them. Who do you agree with? 


Jen (not their real name) likes flex days:


“I love flex days! School can be so exhausting and it’s so nice to have an extra day to rest and take care of myself. 


I know it’s not a very shared feeling but I liked being on zoom. Even though I did miss seeing my friends and teachers everyday, I loved getting to sleep in a little longer and make an actual breakfast. 


I get to do the same kind of thing on flex days. Plus, I have more down time to do things I enjoy that I normally don’t have time for on normal weekdays. 


Going from zoom to in person schooling was such a big adjustment that I am still getting used to but it’s nice to have a day or two in addition to my weekends that are usually very full, to replenish my energy and get ready for the rest of the week.”


Morgan (not their real name) does not like flex days:


“I don’t like flex days at all. I’m a senior and this year is already flying by way too quickly. I hate losing more time that I could be spending with my friends who some I probably won’t see after high school. 


Not to mention that flex days require you to sort of teach yourself the lessons. I don’t always have the easiest time learning new lessons so not being able to have it explained or to have the opportunity to ask questions is really hard.


I do understand why we have flex days and most of the time I think they are necessary for everyone’s safety. However, that doesn’t change the fact that us seniors are losing time that we can’t get back.


We will be graduating before we know it and I want to soak up all the time we have left.”

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About the Writer
Ava Lockette is The Director of Social Media and Merchandise on The SIREN. A senior Writing and Publishing Major hailing from Mars PA, Ava has been writing for the newspaper for three years. She’s a co-writer for the pop culture column What’s Poppin’ along with Karsen Thompson and enjoys writing relevant articles concerning current events and pop culture.

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