Booking it With Emma

January 25, 2022

Regretting You is a novel by Colleen Hoover, this book is a contemporary romance. I recently finished
this book in the span of a day. The end of the 3rd of January, I started this book and I finished it early
in the morning on the 4th. Her books always encapsulate me and always keep me hooked. If you’re
ever in a reading slump I recommend picking up one of her books. They are the perfect length and get
you out of the slump.This book is about Morgan who got pregnant as a teen with her boyfriend Chris
(now husband) and now is married with her 16 almost 17 year old daughter Clara. Also in the story is
her sister Jenny, her sister’s fiance Jonah and their newborn Elijah. When her husband and sister get in
a life changing crash it puts a wall between Morgan and Clara. The book switches point of views
between Morgan and Clara every chapter. It’s refreshing to see how each of them are handling the
tragic incidents in this story and how different each of their thought processes are. Every little thing
Clara thinks she finds out about her father and aunt’s accident she acts out to punish her mother, this
obviously backfires. Morgan and Jonah work together to try and figure out why they were together
and why this happened while slowly getting closer. This book overall has twists and turns and keeps
you hooked throughout the story, making you want to keep reading. Clara has a dream to be an actress
while her parents don’t want that for her because it’s unrealistic, Clara ignores that and her Uncle helps
her enter a film program with a guy she sorta hated Miller Adams. Clara and Miller’s story is almost an
enemies to lovers trope but also a grumpy/sunshine trope I feel but I can’t put a label on it, I really
don’t know which one it is. At the end it is a happy end and makes reading the book worth it. Clara
does eventually find out the truth and everything ends well and they all get along in the end. Overall I
give the book a 4.5 out of 5 stars. If you end up reading this book let me know what you think in the comments!

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About the Writer
Photo of Emma Giammanco
Emma Giammanco, STAFF MEMBER
Emma Giammanco is a 17-year-old senior staff member. She writes book reviews and hopes you enjoy her column! When she isn't writing for The SIREN, she's either working, playing video games, or reading to pass her time.

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