Anya Martin is a sophomore and a writing and publishing major. She writes the column “News for Dummies” for The SIREN. She likes the news, politics, and cats.
June 17, 2021
Did you ever think it would be cool to try out other majors? Well apparently our school used to do this. I think it would be so cool to see what other students got to do for their majors, especially the eighth graders, who have more options for majors in high school.
Some students switch majors sometime during their time at Lincoln Park or double major in high school, but wouldn’t you want to know for sure before you switch? I would be scared of picking the wrong major and not being happy with my new pick.
In high school classes get more in depth and it would be nice to see what other options open up to you and how your major changes, should you decide to stick with what you picked.
I spoke with Mr Harmon, the seventh grade History teacher. He said “They used to do something like this for the teachers and you got to observe different teachers teaching different subjects. It was very cool to see the different expectations and it gave me some good ideas to use in history. It would be cool to have others appreciate other majors.”
He also said that we used to send students from our Student Council to other nearby schools and they would send students here to observe how our school works. I found it interesting to know that we used to do things like this, but no longer do them. But the real question is why?
I interviewed Dr. Rodgers to get some insight on how this would’ve worked and why we no longer do this. “Well, it is mostly a matter of staffing, and students not wanting to do certain arts,” said Dr. Rodgers,
“Last year we had electives, which we should have next year. They would be about forty-five minutes where students could do something different than their art. The thing is that this year we needed a consistent schedule with all of the switching back and forth between online and hybrid.”
Well, cross your fingers for electives next year!
Photo by javier trueba on Unsplash