March 15, 2021

Hi, guys. Welcome back to another Fashion Tips With Meg. Today, we aren’t going to be reviewing any tips and I’m not giving any advice, but I am going to address something that I’ve noticed that has been circling the internet for awhile now and a topic that is so close to home for me.  The topic that were are going to be speaking on is big girl or guy fashion.


Over the years, “big” or “fat” fashion has been pushed to the side of the fashion world and for many clothing companies. Many women and men struggle to find trendy and cute outfits for their size when most brands only carry a certain size range. 67% of women and men in America wear a size 14 and above. A lot of different brands don’t carry sizes 14 and above. A lot of brands also are involved with the trend of “one size fits all,” and I can attest that not everyone fits it.


Brands like Brandy Melville and Victoria’s Secret have proven time and time again that they don’t or won’t make clothing options for sizes 14 and up. Fashion is for everyone, every body, and every person, but some brands and fashion designers only cater to smaller sizes and bodies.


There is no excuse for these brands and designers to only design clothes for a certain group of people when there is a world full of different sizes and shapes. People should feel comfortable and happy with their clothing options because everyone deserves to feel beautiful!


Fat fashion should be normalized because as I said before, everyone deserves to be their own fashion icon. Fashion is meant to be seen on everyone no matter their gender, skin color, body size, etc. Fashion is meant for everyone to express themselves and who they are. Limiting options and sizes for bigger bodies can damage many things for people.


Brands and designers, normalize bigger bodies in your brands and clothes! Everyone has a different body and they deserved to feel loved.


Thanks for joining me on this topic! See you on the next Fashion Tips With Meg.


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About the Writer
Meghan DelMonte, of New Castle PA, is a senior Writing and Publishing major. She is an aspiring writer and model. She loves music, fashion, photography, and loves traveling. Her biggest goal in life is to become a plus-sized influencer and write for a music magazine.

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