February 1, 2021

Welcome back! Today, I’m going to give you 5 different fashion icons that I personally love and adore. Of course, as always, I’m going to link all of their Instagrams and you can check them out! Let’s get into it.


Dani DMC

Dani DMC is a YouTuber, plus-sized model, fashionista, and influencer. I found Dani through my YouTube feed when I was getting into the world of fashion and the plus sized community. Her style, personality, and her passion for fashion made me very intrigued by her. I started to watch her and I ended up looking up to her as a plus-sized influncer. Since I started following her, I’ve found a whole community of fashionistas!





Next one on my list is Javi, also known as Javiera. I found Javi around the same time I found Dani. Javi and Dani are best friends so that’s how I found her. She is a YouTuber, mid sized model, and influencer. She is my favorite when it comes to nude colors and nude pieces. She has a very plain sense of style, but she knows how to style different things well. She has been one of my top favorites because who she is as a person is very comforting on social media.




Ashley Rae Ridge

Ashley is the first plus sized influencers that I started watching on YouTube. She isn’t a model, but she is a musician, body activist, and influencer. I didn’t start watching her because of her style, but because she is very funny. Her personality is similar to mine so that’s one of the reason why I was drawn to her, but when I started to see how she adored fashion, I was even more drawn to her. She has always been my favorite and she is my number one fashion icon at this moment.




Ashley Graham

You bet I had to add her to my list! Ashley Graham is my first ever fashion icon. She has been an absolute inspiration since her big debut back in 2016. I love Ashley for who she is and what she stands for, but most importantly her fashion sense! Her sense of fashion is immaculate to me. She is a runway model so she gets looks before any of us. She is my role model and I promised myself to be like her one day.




Joanna Pincerato

Joanna is a recent fashion icon for me. I found her through my Pinterest feed and loved her fashion. After digging deep to figure out her Instagram handle, I ended up finding her. She has been one of my faves when it comes to fashion right now, alongside Ashley Rae Ridge. She is very plain, but adds pieces that set her style to a next level and that is very much intriguing to me. I love when different fashion icons add pieces to plain statement outfits and make it iconic. I’ve talked about her in past articles about her fashion, but she still is one of the fashion icons I have.




I also have an honorable mention for you guys! Now, most of the people I have shown are all plus sized models/influencers, but I do have another fashion icon that I love so dearly. Can I get a drumroll please?

The honorable mention is…


Cher was mine and many others fashion icon. I loved her character in the movie and I loved her style! I had to mention her because come on.. why wouldn’t I?


Anyways, that’s all I have for you guys today! Drink some water and take a nap if needed. Stay fabulous and see you on the next Fashion Tips With Meg.

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About the Writer
Meghan DelMonte, of New Castle PA, is a senior Writing and Publishing major. She is an aspiring writer and model. She loves music, fashion, photography, and loves traveling. Her biggest goal in life is to become a plus-sized influencer and write for a music magazine.

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