October 20, 2020
There are many different opinions on what is needed in a relationship, but in my mind, there are 5 more important ones. Respect, trust, honesty, attention, and flexibility.
RESPECT: To have a healthy relationship, both partners must have mutual respect for one another. Neither person in the relationship should be valued more or held to a different standard. Mutual respect means understanding each other’s boundaries and following them.
TRUST: If you can’t trust your partner in your relationship, you will never be at peace. You’ll constantly be stressed and possibly paranoid. You need to have faith that your partner will be loyal and make the right decisions. You can’t control your partner, you can only hope your love is strong enough to resist temptations. If they have broken your trust, or you have broken theirs, it may take a while to rebuild the faith in your relationship. However if it was decided to give the relationship another try, you both need to trust each other to not make the same mistakes, for it to continue.
HONESTY: Honest communication is crucial in a healthy relationship. Even if it’s difficult to tell the truth about a situation, not knowing the truth will hurt them and you more. Even if the truth is hard to swallow, the truth is always appreciated. It’s harder to find out from a secondary source, so be honest.
ATTENTION: Both people need to put effort into the relationship. Show each other you care by setting aside time. It’s hard to keep the love alive if you can’t spend time together. Even if it’s only over the phone, it’s good to reach out and be in each other’s company.
FLEXIBILITY: Compromises are really important in a relationship. Take into consideration each other’s values and opinions as well as yours and make the best decision you can thinking of both. Schedules but most importantly mindsets should be flexible in a relationship.
There are many more important qualities to keep in mind. However, I believe these are some of the more important ones to follow for a healthy stable relationship!